PT69-5 PT69-5A 6809 Single Board Computer

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PT69-5A - IDE Controller Port

PT69-5 - WD1002HDO Controller Port



The PT69-5 was the last 6809 based board designed by Peripheral Technology.  This board was designed in the 1985-1986 time frame and went into production in 1986. Due to recent interest in Peripheral Technology products this board is available in assembled form.

The PT69-5 was updated in 2022 to become the PT69-5A.  Updates fixed the layout errors in the 6850 section of the board and converted the WD1002 controller port to an IDE. The circuitry that ran the board at 1MHZ while accessing the WD1002 port was deleted.  The WD1002 couldn't run faster than a 1MHZ bus speed; the IDE interface is able to operate at 2MHZ. There were other minor fixes to the board.

Product Summary

PT69-5 Uses WD1002-HDO interface for HD.

PT69-5A Uses IDE interface for HD.

Otherwise the boards are similar.


Standard Address Map

Address map can be modified by jumpers.

0000-DFFF    RAM

E000-E001    ACIA

E002=E003    ACIA

E004-E005    ACIA

E006-E007    ACIA

E008-E00F    Western Digital WD1002HDO Hard Drive Port or IDE Port

E010-E013    PIA

E014               Floppy Drive Select Register

E018-E01B    WD2797 Floppy Controller



Floppy Emulator

With good floppy drives hard to come by, to say nothing of blank diskettes, an alternative is needed.  A GoTek drive with Flashfloppy Firmware update is capable of reading and writing disk formats as used by FLEX and OS9 . The GoTek uses USB memory sticks to store images of floppy disks and can hold thousands of disk images on a single USB stick.  The images can be emailed as well as downloaded over the internet.

A GoTek allows users to download DSK image files from the FLEX users group, and there is a PC program to utility convert these image files to  .IMA format used by the  GoTek unit. Originally GoTeks had to have their firmware reflashed with Flashfloppy Firmware, and it was necessary to add an OLED screen in order to tell which image you selected and to see error messages.  It is no longer necessary to buy a GoTek and immediately modify it.  Fortunately you can purchase ready to use GoTeks.  GoTeks are now available with FlashFloppy Firmware and OLED displays; in addition they use a rotary knob to select images.  This is a big improvement over the up and down push buttons that were on the original units.

You may use a real floppy drive with a GoTek should you have a need to read or write real diskettes.

This is a GoTek with Flashfloppy Firmware and OLED.  These units can be purchased on EBAY for under $50.  Currently these units are not available on AMAZON.  The units for sale on AMAZON do not have the OLED and Flashfloppy Firmware. 

Hard Drive Support PT69-5

For the PT69-5 hard drive support consists of a converter board that adapts the WD1002HDO interface to IDE pins outs.  The suggested drive is an SD memory card to IDE adapter and use of a 32GB SD memory card.  The boot ROM for both FLEX and OS9 has been modified to boot from the SD memory card.  There is a package available that contains the HDOIDE board, an SD memory to IDE card, a cable, and a 32GB memory card with FLEX and OS9 preloaded and ready to boot. Current version of Boot ROM is V1.5.  The upgrade to the driver includes converting the 80's drivers to LBA mode (Logical Block Access). This is where sectors are accessed by sector number, and there is no need to convert to cylinder, head number, and track number.  This calculation can be complex and takes more time to calculate than the time it takes to transfer the entire sector.  This makes the updated driver very fast and significantly reduces the complexity and size of it.

This is a simple system  to install. Plug the HDOIDE into the SD memory card and then plug a 40 conductor cable between the HDOIDE adapter and the PT69-5.  Connect power to the SD memory card. Be sure to use Boot ROM V1.5 or newer.  V1.5 ships with a PT69-5 and the bare board with EPROM.  Version 1.5 ROMS have an identifying sticker on them.

This replacement for mechanical hard drives is faster than any of the 80's vintage MFM drives connected to a Western Digital WD1002HDO controller board.  FLEX boots almost instantly.

The 80's method of controlling hard drives was to connect an MFM hard drive to a Western Digital WD1002HDO-xx controller.  This controller was connected to the PT69-5 through a 40 conductor cable to the WD1002 controller PORT J11. MFM hard drives of the time were relatively slow and very small.  In the 80's the first hard drive systems sold by Peripheral Technology were between 5 and 8 MB in storage size and were relatively slow.  However they seemed very fast when compared with floppy transfers.  FLEX generally took a few seconds to boot compared to the apparent instant boot from an SD memory card.  These systems were supported by PTMON V1.3W to V1.4 which was the last version of PTMON until V1.5 which was written in 2021.


Hard Drive Support PT69-5A

The PT69-5A has an IDE port for hard drives.  While you can use a mechanical IDE drive we recommend using an SD memory to IDE adapter board. These boards are low cost and SD memory cards are also low cost.  If you do elect to use an older mechanical IDE drive, it must support LBA mode. Early IDE drives did not.

SD/IDE adapters are sold on AMAZON and EBAY.  As long as they look like the one below, it should work.  I have purchased many units from many different sources, and they all appear to be identical.


FLEX for the PT69-5/A

Flex V3.01 has been ported to the PT69-5.  FLEX V3 was the last version of FLEX developed by TSC.  It was available for both the 6800 and 6809.  The download section contains a GoTek boot image for V3.01. You may boot from this GoTek image and then FORMAT and COPY FLEX to an SD memory card. It is then possible to boot from the SD image.  The SD card supports 256 partitions and partitions can be up to 16MB in size.  Flex supports up to four drives, and there is a utility that allows mapping of any partition to FLEX's 4 drive numbers.  You will need the PT69 V1.5 Boot ROM.  This ROM supports booting from FLEX as well as OS9.  You can download the binary image of the boot and transfer it to a 2764 EPROM or 28C64 EEROM. The .IMG.cfg configuration file is needed for the GoTek and should be copied to any USB memory stick used in your GoTek.  Both FLEX and OS9 can reside on the same SD memory card.  The first 4GB of space is reserved for FLEX, and OS9 starts at 4GB and extends to the rest of the SD.

OS9 for the PT69-5/A

A release of OS9 can be downloaded for the PT69-5.  The OS9 boot disk contains the standard OS9 utilities, BASIC09, C and source code for the floppy,  IDE, clock and ROMs.  The boot disk is full and to do anything useful you should copy OS9 to an SD memory card.  A second floppy or GoTek drive can be used but will be very slow compared to the SD drive. Instructions can be downloaded for how to copy and setup the SD drive. Up to 8 SD partitions are supported in OS9 and partitions can be up to 4GB in size.


PT69-5/A Manuals and Sales Brochures:


Click Here to download PT69-5 User Manual

Click Here to download PT69-5A User Manual

PTMONUserV1.6.pdf  PTMON V1.6 User Manual

Click Here to download PT69-5 PTMON V1.5 User Manual

Click Here to download  PTMON V1.2 User Manual Provided for Historical Reference

PT69-5 SD Quick Start Guide

PT69-5 FLEX Installation to SD

OS9 Installation to SD Instructions for transferring OS9 Boot Disk to SD memory

Click Here for PT69-5 Sales Brochure   Historical Document from the 80's


PT69-5/A Boot Rom

Click Here for  V1.5 Boot ROM Image for 2764 EPROM.  PTMON V1.5 and OS9 Boot - Supports boot from SD memory board.

PT69-5-OS9-PTMON1.6-2764.BIN  PTMON V1.6 AND OS9 BOOT - V1.6 allows lower case commands


Source Code - PTMON, WDISK

PTMON6.ASM      PTMON V1.6 Source Code

WDISK-PT69-5.TXT    IDE ROM Driver Source for PT69-5/A


GoTek Utilities  This Windows program can convert .dsk to .ima formats. Import and export files.  move files from one .ima image to another by used of import and export.

Click Here  GoTek IMG.CFG File  The configuration file you need for your GoTek to support FLEX/OS9 formats. UnZip and place on your USB Memory stick.


FLEX  Images for GoTek

If you had downloaded disks with the updated 5/25/24 tag, Please download the updated versions.  The older versions have many problems.

Click Here  for FLEX  V3.01  boot for IDE/Floppy  - Updated 5/25/24 This disk supports IDE/Floppy - Requires PTMON V1.5 or later. 

Click Here  for FLEX boot disk in IMA format for GoTek   Does not support IDE. Updated 6/19/21.  Added Set6818 utility with Y2K fix.

SD BASIC Compiler   Normally copied to Partition 1 of SD

Source Code FLEX 3.0  Updated 5/25/24  Source Code for FLEX 3.01 + drivers for PT69-5

RBAISC Compiler Zip with RBASIC Compiler and manuals


FLEX User Manuals


FLEX 6809 User's Manual.pdf  FLEX 9 User's Manual

FLEX 6809 Advanced Programming Manual.PDF  You need this if you want to write programs.

ASMB6809.PDF FLEX 6809 Assembler Manual



INTROL-C.pdf Introl C User Manual


OS9  Images for GoTek


Click Here  OS9 Boot Disk 80 TRK Boot disk with drivers for SD.

OS9 Installation to SD Instructions for transferring OS9 Boot Disk to SD memory


OS9  Manuals


OS9 Users Manual.PDF OS9 User's Manual 1983

OS9 System Programmers Manual.PDF OS9 System Programmers Manual 1983

OS9 Assembler Manual.PDF OS9 Editor, Assembler and Debugger Manual

OS9 Basic09 Manual.PDF OS9 Basic Users Manual

OS9 C Compiler Manual.PDF Microware C Compiler User Manual

OS9 Scred Users Guide.PDF Full screen editor for OS9

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Price List Hardware

PT60-5A-Bare Bare PT69-5A - Has IDE interface, does not require IDE to HDO converter for Hard Drive/SD memory. $25
PT69-5A-Assembled Assembled PT69-5A  board $140
PT69-5-Bare Bare PT69-5 Board $25
PT69-5-Bare+EPROM Bare PT69-5 Board,  2764 EPROM with boot for FLEX or OS9. Selection is by a SHUNT or optional switch. Boot ROM Version 1.5. $35
PT69-5 Assembled Assembled and Tested PT69-5. Complete with all chips, memory, floppy controller, Boot Eprom for FLEX and OS9. Selected by jumper or optional switch, Boot ROM V1.5. $140
PTMON/OS9 BOOT ROM 2764 Version 1.5 supports booting from SD memory board. $10
PT69HD-32GB-PT69-5 32GB SD memory card, SD to IDE board, IDE to HDO adapter, cable to connect to PT69-5  (Add $10 for V1.5 Boot ROM) FLEX/OS9. Preloaded $50/$60
PT69HD-32GB-PT69-5A 32GB SD memory card, SD to IDE board,  cable to connect to PT69-5  (Add $10 for V1.5 Boot ROM) FLEX/OS9. Preloaded $50/$60
WD1002/IDE Adapter board for PT69-5 - Converts WD1002 port to IDE $20

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