SS50 Prototype Board

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This is a similar board to the Corsham SS50 Prototype Board


Differences between this board and the Corsham:

This board was created from Corsham's schematics and photograph of a Corsham SS50 Proto board.  While it's appearance is similar we can't state that it is a reproduction since we did not have a Corsham board to use for comparison.  Therefore it does not have the Corsham name on it.  This board was produced using a ground pour in all of the open areas which the Corsham board did not have. Being derived from the Corsham schematic it should function the same as the Corsham Prototype board


 If you want to add your own boards to your SS-50/SS-50C based system, this is the perfect board to experiment on and debug with.

Features include:

The bus buffering defaults to taking data from the SS-50 bus and driving to the board, such as for output devices where the CPU is only writing to the board’s circuitry.  However, by pulling one control line low, the data buffers can be reversed for designs that both write and read to/from the board.  The address and control line buffers can similarly be controlled so as to drive the bus for those who want to build their own DMA devices or even add a new CPU!

Bus signals are clearly identified:

Bus signals and control lines are also clearly marked:



 SS-50 Prototyping Manual pdf


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Price List Hardware

SS50-Proto Bare Board $20
SS50-Proto-ASM Assembled board $60

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